Interested in volunteering your time at Cleveland High School? Download the Volunteer Handbook to find more information.
Visit our Counseling Department page to find information about scholarships, transcripts, scheduling, TN Scholars, important dates, deadlines, and helpful sites. If there is other information you need please feel free to contact the Counseling Department!
PowerSchool includes a Parent Portal where we can provide access to student grades and attendance over the Internet or the PowerSchool App that is available for download on iTunes or Android Market. Parents are now able to access their student's information from anywhere they have access to the internet.
TN Department of Education has released a toolkit of best practice to support student improvement on the ACT. The Five Best Practices to Support Student ACT Success offers guidance, examples, and resources for best practices for student preparation. Another helpful resource is Preparing for the ACT with tips, full length practice test, and strategies. For helpful information in regards to ACT and Early Post Secondary Options (EPSO) at CHS, please view the power point presented at parent night. Also, visit the CHS Library/Media Center website (here) for additional, helpful ACT information.
The TN Department of Education has developed an updated Parent Guide to Being TNReady and a supplemental Guide on TNReady Supports for Student with Disabilities. There is also a handout that explains the high level role of assessments and a new FAQ webpage (here) that provides additional information for parents.